Webinar - Global Connect & Half Double

In the attempt of increasing the success rate of their projects to create higher impact for their business, GlobalConnect decided to introduce the Half Double methodology as a new way of working with their projects and portfolio management.
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half double global connect webinar

The webinar will also introduce you to the principles of Half Double which will equip you to embark on an agile transformation of the projects in your own organization.

Peter Kjær Sørensen: Head of Projects and Portfolio Management in GlobalConnect.

Michael Ehlers: Partner at Implement Consulting Group. Michael is one of the Founding fathers of the Half Double methodology and the main driver of Half Double for the last 5 years.​​​​​​


But. Good morning, everybody. Keith, Peter, I know you are in Ohio, so give me a thumbs up if you can hear me.

Oh, OK, so we have some sound going through and welcome everyone to this half double webinar where we today will dive into the Global Connect portfolio and project case.

And we've been looking so much forward to this session. We're so happy that so many of you have joined us. We have quite a few more on the list, at least, who have signed up for the session. Right now. We're twenty nine people. We have one hundred people signed up. So let's see how many we we get to get on board along the way. That's how it works with webinars. You start out a few and then more and more, the more the merrier.

People just join in. So that's that's super fine. But let me just go through this next slide here and and welcome you and to this session.

So we have, of course, ground rules for working like this in a webinar because we're using the Sunni version where everyone can actually engage and talk to each other. So that means that while we are listening to the presentations, please mute your microphone because it makes it a better experience for everyone. So please help us to use the mute button. Later on, you will have an opportunity to ask questions then, please, on mute, because we would like the questions directly from you guys.

But you will also be you also have the opportunity to actually ask questions along the way. So just use the chat and we have you Hennan with us as well. You can see you had it. Please wave to us. This is Yohanna Yohanna is is really is helping me on this this session together with Peter and you.

It will be answering your chats and questions and so forth and will also help us to handle questions. So please feel free to to use the chat as we move along in this session. Nice to see you.

And if you feel like it, feel free to put on your camera. It is it is always more engaging, but if you don't feel like it is up to you. So we have a pretty exciting program coming up.

Right. Because let me just share with you this one here on the screen.

I know that it might be hard to see, but I'm going to try it out anyway. And so we're going to start with a small welcome session and a very small puzzle just to make sure that we we have some kind of impression about you guys out there. And I'm going to give you a very short half double intro. It will last for only like five minutes. So the short version then we will do the Global Connect case and Peter will introduce the whole case to us and some of the things that we did there in order to implement have doubled and create impact in Global Connect.

And then we'll have the opportunity to do Q&A together with with Peter and all of you up there. So that is the setup that we're about to join into. And before we do all this, then I would just like to to start with with a very short pulse check. So I'm just going to go to this screen here.

And the first question, which I will start in just a second, will be how well do you actually have double? So I'm just going to launch a poll now and hopefully you can see a poll on your screen. So please feel free to answer the poll here. I see that you're all very that you're all very capable soon.

So you know how this works and you're pretty quick with the answering. So let's just see here. We'll just let the last we have twenty five.

Twenty three out of thirty five have answered the votes now and I think we will just let it last for a few more seconds and has a few accesses still coming in.

So I'm just going to end the poll now just to give us an impression.

So we only have actually two of you who do not know have done so. Good thing that I didn't plan for the long presentation of the whole setup.

And then a few of you actually know how to win. 19 of you have to actually know it. And four of you seems to be half the experts, which is such a great thing. So I'm just going to try. Oh, sorry, I didn't share the result here. Here is the sharing of the results. I didn't do that. I'll do that in the next one. So so quite a few actually. No, that is great because that means that we can dive right into the session in a few minutes.

Let me just launch the next poll that I would like to do with you. So we have one more.

Have you actually used half double in your project? And you have a few options here. I'm going to start the poll in a few seconds. Let me just before we launch polling camera, I'm just going to see structure result. And I will now go to the next poll, which I will launch. Here, so hopefully all of you can see the next Paul. And this one is really quite interesting question, because half double is very much about usage, half double is very much about applying it to real projects.

So in this case, where we have 21 of you who have answered it and we still have a few answers coming in, so I'll share the Elisheva.

And actually we see on the chart we have a few who cannot participate, often for technical reasons. So we have a few ones coming up here as well. I'm going to end the poll now and I'm going to share the result with you. And here you see, these are the sentences that at this session, so about 11 of you, meaning about half of you haven't used, have trouble in your project, but the other half have been involved or tried it themselves already in a project.

So we have very capable people here, which is so nice. So that's that's that's a really good thing to sort of thank you very much for chipping in. And then, of course, we need to remember the awful ones that I got on the on the chat. So I a bit more than half of you haven't tried this on your own project, but the other half have actually tried it. So that's really good.

OK, I'm going to stop sharing the result now and and I'm going to move on in my presentation, because now that, you know, half double as well as you do, at least for both of you, then I'm just going to give you the short version of what is half well, half of what this all about three core elements.

It's about impact, flow and leadership.

And each of these three elements represent a break with traditional project management paradigm. So in traditional project management, we would focus very much on delivering on the contract or the initial agreement that that we that we have made with some kind of project owner or sponsor. And if we just fulfill that agreement, then everyone is happy. Then I'm a success as a project manager. What we're saying is, well, all projects are really launched because they want to create value, because they want to create impact.

So let's navigate on the impact and make sure that we actually create impact with our project. That will be the ultimate success criteria, that we make stakeholders happy, because if we do, that is because we have created impact. So that's the first element.

The second element is flow. And what we're saying about flow is that all projects should have flow in them. They need to be able to progress every week because if a project progress every week, we will actually finish it quicker. But we will also motivate people. It is one of the most simple ways to motivate people. So having progression will ensure that people are happy and all projects actually consist of people. So having flow in a project is a very important thing.

In traditional project management. We're saying, well, you can be allocated 10 percent to some projects and 10 percent to other projects as long as we just do as we have many projects running at the same time. In a half double perspective, we're saying you can only do two projects at the same time in order to make sure you have progression in your project. So these are, of course, some of the elements that Peter will also relate to when when he said when he tells us about the global case.

But let me just have the last core element, which is, of course, leadership and leadership is all about making sure that we are walking in the right direction, making sure that everyone, because all projects consist of people. So make sure that all people are actually engaged and moving forward in this project. That is what leadership is all about, leading all the stakeholders, including the team, including your steering committee, including all the important people related to your project.

And what we suggest is that you make that very informal. So a lot of informal interaction with each other, making sure that we have a lot of dialogue to align and make sure that we are delivering the right thing. So how would that be different from traditional management project management? Well, it isn't, but it's different in the way that it's called project management, not project leadership. And it's called project management for the reason that it's a very scientific kind of technology driven approach where we use breakdown techniques to estimate our project, which is a good thing.

We should do that. But what we are saying is, let's start with the people first and then we will add all the great management techniques afterwards. So that is habitable at its core impact, flow and leadership and trying to apply those to our projects. So.

So how is it different from other from other methodologies? Well, it is it is different in the way that is based on simplicity and it is based on best practice. So what we have.

Don, is that we've asked a lot of project managers how they succeed with their projects and we figured out that we needed someone, that something that was simple and easy to do. So that's why I have to only consists of nine methods and tools that you need to apply to your project. So making it simple actually makes it doable. And that is one of the main secrets, about half double. So so we have have double four projects, which is the methodology that you see right here on the screen.

It consists of impacts on leadership and the nine methods and tools that you see here. And I'm not going to dive into it today. But what I would like to do is to to just tell you that we actually, of course, have this methodology which you can apply in your projects. And that would be you can you can access that online for free. And I'm going to tell you how later on in the session. But we also have what we call half the portfolio.

So we have a similar concept for portfolios that you can apply to multiple projects. So if you want to create strategic impact in your portfolio, you can use the portfolio concept.

And to put it showed the portfolio concept would be all about these three elements. So let me start with the phrase that you see right there in the bottom. It is faster to strategic impact with fewer projects and closer relationships to decision makers. That is what we try to install with a half of a portfolio approach. We try to make sure and now we'll take out each of the elements of this sentence. But we try to make sure that, first of all, that we focus on the strategic impact of our projects in the portfolio.

So what we do is that we prioritize our projects based on the route to reduce time to impact meaning how can we accelerate the way to impact? And we take those projects as first priority and projects that will create stakeholder satisfaction quickly will also be prioritized. So so what we do is that we actually make an overview of our projects based on when will they create impact and which impact would be important for this company or organization. And then we prioritize based on that.

The second thing that we do is that we do what we call a short and fat flow. We make sure that we do only a few projects at the same time so that we can allocate people to only two projects at the same time. Because if we actually work with high intensity and we only do two projects at the same time, in total, we can do more projects. But it takes a very brave decision making to do only a few projects because there will be people who'll be waiting for all the other projects who will become less happy.

So you need to have a very brave decision making. And that is why we also based very much on the impact part.

Then we have the last element, which is very much about the leadership team running the portfolio. So we need the leadership team who actually engage with the whole decision making in the portfolio to be a committed leadership team withinside in the actual projects. So what we are saying here is that we need the people who sit in the portfolio board to have to be part of three projects each, because if they're part of three projects each, then they know what actually goes on in the project.

And if you're a part of a project, you need to spend at least two hours every week with the project. So that is why we saying that senior leaders should only have three projects at the same time, and they will focus immensely on those three projects, making sure that they actually deliver impact. So that is also the way that we set this up. And if you're an owner of three projects, then you should be part of the portfolio committee.

So that is kind of yeah, it's different than what we used to in portfolio management. But we'll try to apply some of these principles together with Peter in Global Connect. And I think that actually leaves us at a point where I would like to introduce to you Peter and the Global Connect case. But I just want to make sure and I'm kind of just looking at the chart here to see everything is good. I'm looking at your everything is good. That's super, because then I think we will leave the states to Peter, who will introduce to us how half that will have been applied in Global Connect.

And Peter, I know you very well. So I'm also going to let the introduction of yourself be part of your introduction, because I would like you to to share that with all of us. So I'm just going to stop my sharing here and we will be sharing to Peter. And and while you do that, Peter, you can get ready to present yourself.

You can see my screen, I see your screen, and I hear you and you had twin, can you give a thumbs up if you're here? That's super. Thank you.

Now, as you can see on the screen, my name is Peter and I'm the head of the I.T. PMO in it connect. The distinction is, of course, that the company that built five conditions for B2B and also B2C. And these products are what we call our products and not belonging to my department. And as Michael was telling you, it has been a very fun experience to actually have toppled in a global climate. So I will start by telling you a little bit about the complexity we have in the company.

So the company is actually part of five different countries. So we have Norway, Denmark, Sweden, northern part of Germany and Finland in our company. So it is actually five, five countries. That is that is part of Global Connect. Top of that, we have done a lot of merger acquisition in the last six years. So this group is basically a small company that has been bought and then put together under one project. And that is, of course, if any of you have any knowledge, this is high complexity to actually find these kind of companies to give us to take the customer experience to to the customer travel agency.

And also the customer experience is good.

We are part of especially in Denmark and in Sweden also. We are high, highly noticed as a core core part of the country. So that means that, for example, we are taking a lot of traffic for Facebook and Google data centers and our own data centers. Also, so many of our customers are part of this society.

I think as you can see, we also have a connection for Amsterdam and there is a reason for that. And that is because one of the our Atlantic cables that comes to the United States from Amsterdam and also from is that we have a lot of global connections. Yeah, if we go into how we are actually we're running for in the past, we were using a conference, too, and there is nothing wrong with plans to be just selected for another reason.

Actually, it was not a majority decision was a decision about lacking leadership. But what we actually saw when we started the political conversation in the PMO is that we have to have an unclear way of looking at execution. We could not explain what we were doing. So that was also one of the things that was highlighted by the sea level.

They did not understand what we were doing and the only thing that could conclude it was that slow and they could not get in data on the politics. So we have what we call long term projects. And we also had a lot of politics, so that was going into red and was continuing in that state for a couple of months without any exit, actually. I will go back to what actually happened with the politics. And then, of course, because we are a collection of a lot of companies, we have different kinds of cultures that we need to align also.

So we use half double in bed at half toppling the company of two reasons. One was to having clarity on what we were doing and also having a culture based transformation in the company. So by introducing a new mythology, you have to get the leadership and also the middle management and all the employees on that kind of transformation and change. So there was these two two reasons why the.

I think I would give that a little bit more of the highlights of this, Michael, because of course, you took it from a mentality perspective. I would take it from a company perspective. So our two most important things in this was actually not the impact I'll go back to impact. Impact is very important from an eternity perspective. But what we actually saw was that we were lacking a lot of leadership. So we focused in the start of embedding the leadership team and that was actually the CEO level and the level below from the two into a two hour conversation in the PMO so we could actually get more focus on the.

And then we were raising the cadence on the floor, Pat. So having a lot of meetings with status reporting and a lot of stakeholder meetings, also engagement, we actually got a much higher output.

So that was the focus areas that we got when when we rolled out how we saw one thing that we got feedback from in the reports, and that was that the top management did not understand what we were doing. So the first part was to explain how the public should be running, of course, and also how it should be executed. And that Part B to the impact discussion on the former MVP. So minimal product discussions. So the scrum based approach to it and then also the behavioral change that is very difficult for top management to understand.

They only see the product execution ending and then the product is basically out of it, out of the leadership and management team. But we we needed to explain for them that they also want to have the impact that actually take or sustain the impact from the execution part. So when the execution is finished, you need to do a transformation and change in the organization, in some of the products.

And one of the things we actually did was taking a. Our governance model and then shaping it into only three phases. And the reason why we did this was also to explain the explainable on how we took decisions. And there will be a presentation a little bit later who shows our old model and the new one. So we only have two faces now. So we have what we call a funnel and then we have a solution. Schoolkid, as you know, from Prince to and then the execution, Kate.

Completion of execution, so we only have three phases now, and between these three phases, we have an evaluation scheme that we are using in connector that has been built together with with implement to explain what we are doing and also how we are doing this and in this time frame, slicing and dicing, especially when go into execution. And one of the things we noticed is that we need to have legacy products.

So when we started up, half the for I think is one one and a half year ago, roughly one year, one year and two months, we took to the prints to legacy products and embedded into the to have the governance model that we face execution.

And then one of the highlights before the understanding from the top management was one of the things that we actually looked at very carefully and tried to explain in The Tempest, we using in a very easy language, what are we doing? So no technical discussions, but doing it from an impact perspective. So here is the impact highlight. As Michael was explaining, the start is very important that you can explain what you're doing. So we were writing a lot of templates in the start to and there were redone, done a lot of times until we got this kind of expendable language inside of our templates.

So they were redone doing we were redoing the templates a lot in the start. Now they're fixed and they're working really good. So we can actually make the elevator pitch to.

And then, of course, they said this is the point and more focused on the impact, as I described.

Yeah, yeah. Actually a portfolio structure was also one of the things that we would like to have so we could have a higher degree of transparency in the organization on which decision has been taken and how they have been taken. So one of the things we actually did is that we kept our execution. So there's two ways of doing this. We were not material to do it in the right way. And that is on the on a resourcing allocation perspective.

So if you take the whole resource pool of Global Connect sixteen hundred employees, then then then you can then you can actually take take that resource and then split up the tasks that you need in committees.

We are not mature to do that because our organization is changing the whole time. So we kept the execution engine on the resources that so we had. I will show it later in another slide.

But we actually have kept time environment that we using instead of looking at the resource resource. And then the next thing, of course, is that we are pulling into the gate model the politics. So when we have executed the project, we look for which execute from from from the solution design so that the funnel and the solution design is basically filling up the execution pipeline. So it's getting smaller in numbers and slots as you go backwards. So execution execution engine is higher in the kept environment and then you actually go in a lower solution, solution design and scoping the environment by a number of steps.

And then at the funnel, of course, you have a lot of. A lot of ideas that you need to to execute at one point, and then we have to find a portfolio governance model. Also by meeting so we have a meeting scheduled that is working on the on the what we call the Eagle team is extended leadership team. And that is to see. So what you're seeing here is the old gate model that was actually five gates, and we cut it down from this point to get into to only two gates.

So we and that decision was taken, I think, on the second week of our way of working with it did implement. So we actually did a very high degree, a high focus on the gate model. So we actually cut the fun and we also cut the benefit because in half top you actually trade benefits on each MVP.

And on that note, I can actually explain that our next step is that we are doing a value management on the on the execution in to substantiate what?

What you're seeing here is the model they have been using for years now, and it's extremely simple. Everybody understand what we're doing.

So you have idea from the business B2B or B2C and that idea is actually put in. And then we take a discussion on if that idea is something that is according to strategy, because we have a strategy map and then we make it into a scoping discussion here with impact solution design. This is called in half and it can take from one month to three months. Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes it takes only a couple of weeks to to create the team, the most difficult part.

Essentially, this impacts reducing the time because you need high skilled people, architects and so on. So we did not foresee that in the start. We thought that the execution part would be what we call from from the get to into impact delivery was the difficult part for what we saw quite fast. Was that impact losing design the architect and get technical people collected a little bit more difficult. And then you see here, we benefit, the benefit system is actually happening in a based environment and that is handed over to operation and at the same time as we are developing or executing the.

So the tree is basically a gate that we don't need. It's just to say that, yeah, we have delivered all the peace and then it's finished is much more important to have focus on the the minor drops that we have in the. As discussed before, I mentioned before, the templates that we are using is also extremely simple for the first template not to put a big load on the organization. We are not requesting a lot. So going from our idea into getting money to do a scoping part of the impacted design, we are not requesting a lot.

We are only requesting resources needed and also how much money they need to do this use of time. And then we have a description of the project and vision, who owns the project and so on. So extremely simple. It takes four to five hours to create this template and fill it out. And then and the bad part about this is, of course, I'd be using money to execute this part of the chain so we don't need to have some cost.

We would like really to take the right decisions here. So here we take in the top one. As Michael was mentioning, we are taking the strategic alignment on this date. So is this something that is according to a strategic alignment or strategic output the right to have? Or is it not something that is aligned to Strafford, if it's not aligned to strategy, would be very difficult for. And remember, I'm sitting in with transformation, fatigue, so to speak.

We're not talking about smaller problems. Keep it to his execution date when you have a bit more time that you need to fill, fill out and you basically need to explain in detail what you're doing and how you mitigate risk also. And you need to fill out a business case. So. So it takes a little bit longer. Is normally taking it 14 days to get this paperwork in order after the inspection design, because the solution design is giving you the highlights of how to do the work.

Now you need to present it for the top management and that is what you're doing here.

And then you go into execution in the proper products and you execute what you have actually outlined in the planning phase and give it to because we are a company with five countries that we have developed together with a company called Practive and Implement, we have created a tool that is based on Microsoft's portfolio management and product and also power automate. We have created a tool that can actually support me as a PM and also the organization from a transparency perspective. So the tool can can see where we are every week on the project in detail and the progress.

And we can also see how much trust you have been using in the politics and how the resource allocation is actually performed. So is support us and not in the PMO. So the PMO is not very big. And if you look at the employees, because we have this kind of automation on top of the half the time, so they have to have double execution. Model and Global Connect is supported by a tool that is developed according to the. Governance that we have created together with the.

So what do you see in the bottom here is resource management to this resource management tool is embedded into the tool that we called Kasparov and we have not used it yet because we're still in the kept moment, because our organization needs to be aligned from the organization perspective before we actually roll out the resource management. So the first step we are doing in Q1 is that we are taking all the critical resources. As I mentioned before, the impacts of losing design is our bottleneck.

So we will insert all the critical resources in the resource allocation model of Hezbollah and then we will allocate on a resource perspective instead of using kept environment in 2020. Mark.

Now, I think I can maybe use to take over now if you're doing that the podium, so I will just launch a one local one, which is about your organization and whether you have an I.T. tool to gather everything, I think it's a little interesting.

So I'm just going to launch the poll here and we will kind of get a feedback from you guys out there with you. To what extent does your organization have an I.T. tool to gather project information? And we know that this is there are a lot of options to how this can be put together, which is why we put in number four, which is, you know, other options, because it's a very differentiated set up out there.

And also get on the chad.

We get a few input as well. And Michael Clewiston writes that you can you can vouch for four. So that's pretty cool. That's that's how complicated these environments are. And I think we need to mention that for Excel at work documents and PowerPoint.

Yeah, I think that would be fair to say. But actually, Ulrik and Peter have replied that they in their company have a one or two together with project information. So so we would have to add that. But I'm going to end the post now and and let's share the results with you so that you can all see what was what was what was answered. And and as you can see here, that actually we have two top scores, which is the question number two about everyone would use their own I.T. tool for this, that about 30 percent of you said so.

And we have one tool that would be another 30 percent. And if we add the two responses we get from Peter and and from Ulriksen, actually most of you out there would have a one or two together. So let's say about thirty five. Forty percent of you would have such a tool. And and Peter, could you briefly just comment upon what you think are the advantages of having one tool together, all because it's a hard way to get there and get everyone to comply and use it.

But what once you get there, what do you think is the main benefit of it? But I think I'll stop the tracks actually mentioned that the company will develop this together with Michael. You will. One possibility, of course, actually won the Microsoft portfolio management system of the Nobley, so out of three thousand three hundred partners. And that that was really a good kudos to the company that actually developed this to. The tool we are using in helping to pass is having an input perspective, putting, menotti's, using, and then it has a good path that is based on machine learning and on and on top of that, we have one of the eye.

So the power of the reporting is actually the best part about the everybody can create a side but the power behind it and allows us to do despots for the top management. And also tailor-made decision making indicated. So we are we are having a transparency. We are only trusting the reports that is created by the PMO and when we do decisions. And we'll take a short view on this a little bit later, also on the criticism, I have a short slide on that.

Exactly. And feel free to continue your presentation, Peter. You still have another eight, nine minutes to deliver your message. I have to speed up.

Yeah. So if you take the flow in portfolio with Jordan. So what we are doing here is that we have actually created a clear roles and responsibility. So we have a sponsor role and that is the second level that we discussed before. And then we have the most important role is actually impact on the world. And for us, it's it's really important that the impact on together Potgieter is taking responsibility of the execution and also the business case decision. The sponsor is actually helping the public when you have really, really big problems from a stakeholder perspective that they one to send for so long.

But the impact a role is the most important from my perspective in our company. And the impact of all is what we call a layer two in our organization. So if somebody would have a division or a big area where you are producing some kind of. Product or rolling out fibre connections in a company. So this is actually where we are taking the layer to into the decision making on a weekly basis.

Yeah, as I mentioned, the court is allocated a minimum two days per week in the project to to ensure that we have actually to support the project. We have high execution in the pilot project. We did actually. And there was the first pilot project we did was arriving on time. That is not normal for our company. So that was really a good experience for our decision model. Yeah, we have a project model that is built on Fibonacci and that is actually based on the business value, time, criticality and risk reduction opportunity.

And then we take it into divide that these three things are summed up and then we divide it by the complexity of the project. So if it has a high degree of complexity, then we we have to divide it by that. And then we get what we call a portfolio rate. And in the system, we actually have the size of the project and how important they are. So we can take that kind of when we are going to stop something and start a new project.

And then we take a look at the model if what should actually be stopped, if we have to do a cost cutting for.

Yeah, so portfolio responsibility is a little bit higher than what I expected when I started, because we are actually now the case to align according to to what we call LightHouse's. And that is our strategy map. So everything we do has a mockup in the system according to the lighthouses we have in the strategy. And we also have doing a lot of the technical technical planning in the company, even if it's not a project. So a lot of the company is using management by using us to do technical planning also.

And that is one of the things that because of the two we discussed before we do that so we can actually see the parallel politics, how they execute and also when this deliver. So, for example, in a quarter we can see if we are going according to plan on the activity we have or if we are actually getting a little bit more loose on now.

And depending on the context and one of the things that Michael learned from implementing this piece and know two things, when you have no more room in the execution pipeline in the kept environment, and it took us maybe three months to do to get the whole organization to say, OK, is this really necessary right now, this kind of project, because we have no execution and then say yes to the right?

Politics has to be discussed before in the first gate. So we actually taking the decision before we create some kind of some cost or we are dropping a project in the execution. Here you see the time kept in this tough based environment. So as you can see, we have a little bit more in the in the execution part than we have in the impacts of losing design, and there was after a reason to implement, we could see that this kind of capacity that we could provide in the impacts to lose in design actually gave us the execution topics, slots alignment.

So if you cannot create the architect decisions and execution designs, you're not able to execute also. So we took a historical perspective on it and then we added a little bit more of context and we actually saw the before in which to implement. So we took an evaluation on what could we do in the past year. And then we added some more capacity because we were sure that we were able to do a better planning from the start in the impetuousness.


So some of the highlights from the project, from the from the positive side is that the whole organization is actually aligning to force our way of working. And it's not only protects we also having if we have problems in the company that come in and ask if we can help them to do in design. So we actually do some time out of the puppies to help other divisions and also other departments on problem solving. And they're using our mythology. So the framework and the templates, the templates that you saw from the gate environment are distributed into the whole organization and using them properly in some cases without running half double what they're using to have the opportunity.

And might also have supplied us a lot of books now because we are distributing the maternity way of working into the whole company.

So it's also easy to understand how we are doing the execution part. In the in the past, the top management did not acknowledge that they did not have any interest because they did not understand how we can. They just had a lot of technical wording and that we have basically taken away there's no technical discussions anymore now is based on impact. So what if you are talking with the sea level? You need to be precise. You have met him on two minutes, otherwise they lose interest.

On this is their own project, and that is where I also have a very important statement, generate maximum to protect Percy Excel on the on the high end of the management team and try to distribute them. That is our next step. We need to distribute them out in the organization. So it's not only own projects at.

The reporting party's 84 percent less, and that is because of the two that we have, our political leaders are using roughly 10 to 15 minutes per week to do an update. And then when we do reporting Friday afternoon, we can you can see the current state on the policies you have in the. And then, of course, better alignment on expectations, because if we understand what we're doing, then we also can align the portfolio according to strategy. So that's also where you get the transparency.

And I think this is one of the last flights, and we also need to have a little bit more attention on some of the topics that we have discussed with Michael and his team is that the impact on the road needs to be enforced much more in our conversation.

We have a have impact US rules on products that we have ongoing, but we need to cement that kind of role description in each business area we have in our organization. So in the new year in 2020, won't be will select a specific person for each division that has to be impact on and needs to to to carry that kind of will. And the role of the UN committees is also one of the things that we would like to get rid of.

So steering goofs in in our way of working is. Let me rephrase it. We need to have a high cadence in the flowerpot and the second group to assemble a group, the top management team and also the two teams is difficult. And sometimes it takes three to four weeks to assemble the whole thing. So we would like to avoid that. So getting rid of the steering committee is one of our next step.

And then the U.S. model needs to be across the whole company, so we need to embrace that kind of decision model so it's not specific to who has that high degree of power level.

But more on I'll be according to strategy and this approach says modeling a and model instead of a stomach and then stakeholders, the senior stakeholders to take active ownership is getting much better than before we started. I think my dad can put some words on that also. Now, we need to have a little bit more focus on the what we call the portal of the company so they actually understand what we are creating of impact in a given period instead of just looking at the product and looking at the sponsor.

So we need to have a much more high degree of ownership on the top level of the company.

And I think I think, Peter, that is a very important statement because which is also kind of the end of your presentation because because that statement is very much what we see when when we visit different organizations that sometimes portfolio management and project management tend to be kind of I think that that that board members think we will just push it down in the organization. It's a technical thing. Someone will fix it. It's not kind of our strategic issue, but it really is.

And I think that that that awareness is growing with the Global Connect right now, as Peter is saying. So so we that it has definitely made a change. However, we still see that that cooperation tends to be more important than the future, which is also a very you know, it makes perfect sense. But you need to balance both what you say about that, Peter.

I totally agree on your statement of how a company is too important right now. I think we should look at the growth perspective and what we have seen in our financial planning for the next five years is that we actually are lagging behind of the project, executing according to what we call FPP. So we need to get that kind of alignment also. And that that is where the active ownership of the top management is extremely important, because if they are not driving the finance and planning according to what they have sent to the board, then it will be problematic at the next level to actually have focus.

So that is where we are from a portfolio management perspective. We are having a huge amount of focus now on how we are using CapEx because we front loading the company. Yeah.

Peter, can I ask you to stop sharing your presentation and I'll just share something else, because we we are getting to the to the point now where we will when we will leave room for some some opportunities to ask questions to Peter. And I see that we have actually already one question in the chat. So so feel free to use the chat for your for for your questions. And I'm just going to share my screen just a second. I'll be right here and curious to this.

Not that it will make a huge difference, but I think it's on the way here. So so feel free and use the chat for your for for the questions that you might have. And we will we'll put them in here so that we can also see what you're going to ask. You have to annotate some of the some of the good questions in the chat here. And we actually have one already, which is from Casten. And Castile's is asking you, Peter.

So how do we change the mindset of upper management now? OK, I need to be a little bit more specific. Yeah. And also, you need to understand my role and who have actually hired me. So I have a little bit better capabilities than in a normal organization. I'm hired by the CEO.

So that means that I have an easy way of getting in contact with the high, high level of the top management, even the board, so the chairman I'm in contact with also. So they actually listen to what we are saying. What we have problems right now is that we are only looking at it politics, so we need to have a PMO across the organization and that is how we have that gap in the organization. So I cannot say that it is easy to talk with the top management, but from my perspective, it is because I'm hired by the CEO and also interviewed by the head of the board when I when I got hired.

So I have easy access.

If you don't have easy access, there is only one way and I have seen that on the next level, what I call the CEO level, so I can give you some kind of acknowledgement of how to get in contact with these guys, show them progress with a high degree of confidence and be transparent when things are not going according to plan and try to figure out how to explain how you're mitigating it without going into a discussion. So keep it very simple.

And remember, use a couple of minutes that basically gliding like a cooling then on the track, if you if you try to give them a highlights on what is going on. This is a specific product they ask for to keep it simple.

And I think what you're saying, Peter, is also that in your case, we had a pretty good starting point because you actually had to direct the red line to the CEO of the company and he wanted this change. So so, of course, that makes a huge difference.

And I would not say, Michael, that I don't have any problems, because my problem is that we don't have a more across the company. So that is a problem for me. And I'm sure that will be next step.

Maybe we have another question, Peter, which is which is from Michael Kinsley.

And he's he's asking, have we actually have you actually given the task of ensuring benefit realization through the line of business or have you just completely skipped it? So what do you think there?

Yeah, to my life is actually going a little bit more problematic. We have is coming from the CFO level. So I took the discussion with our CFO just a month at the company two months ago. And on his second day I introduced because of the tool that we use and he saw that too. And he has now decided and we are developing it before the Christmas holiday, that all the CapEx evaluation for a business case perspective, what we call EBM, that is one part of it.

But also the business decision needs to go into a review process. So when you have executed a project, you need to do some kind of message that creates some kind of asset. When that is completed, you evaluate the whole spend up that business case for the next coming five years. So we have we have in the system and understanding on the business case to save us from a discounted cash flow and so on and all this kind of financing perspective we have on it.

So we are very detailed on business realization.

And also so if the organization is inserting two to positive growth cases, we can actually pick them up later and see if it's actually the way of evaluating before you go into the meetings in the future. So we will align the organization to be conservative in the way of explaining how they can benefit realization, but then ensure also that on the parallel scheme that we can take the whole company and look at the whole company from that perspective. Exactly. All right.

Thank you very much, Peter. And we have about five minutes left. And I just want to wrap up the session also. But if one of you have a question that you would like to pose with your voice, then you feel free to to chip in. Sometimes it's easier to ask the question than writing the question. So I would want to ask just one more question. I'll still give you the opportunity right now. But I think it might have had another Christian also arriving here, but Michael had another question regarding Protic in retrospective and use that for particular situation.

And I can say, no, we are not doing that. We are doing project decision when we are executing. OK. OK, so we have one question here from Johann, and he's asking A flow of activities is constantly present.

Is the impact only surfacing when delivering NVP or do you see opportunities to continuously generate impact?

So that's a that's a little complex, actually.

That's a very good question, John, because it's a it's a complicated thing. But, Peter, do you have a perspective on this?

Yeah, and that is actually what I have to offer is a little bit in my in my way of looking at it. I've been working with council before. It's different. And that is that when you have when you have executed a project, it is not the ending of the project.

So when we need to do what we call sustainable impact in your organization so I can give you an example, we are creating now what we call a new ITSM system, so IT service management. So when the customer is calling into our company, we can see the key information about the customer and also the at the actual expense that needs to be transformative. Also from a process perspective and also it needs to be over maybe one or two years. So that is what we call impact behavior change in total.

And we have extremely high focus on that when we're creating what we call the templates. So we have to describe what are you doing as a tangible asset or transformation and what are you doing after the transformation?

We need to do that and follow up on it and we follow up on it on the on the KPI that we're doing. So we have a KPI received that we use on each project on behavioral impact and also on impact of the asset base. Super, thank you so much, Peter. Actually, we have two more questions coming in now and just to to be aware of the time here, I just would like to have to end up with a few messages and then we will we will stay on line, Peter and I.

And you had to answer the questions here. So so feel free to stay if you would like the answer for that. But before before is clear all this and then we'll get back to it later.

And here we go. So I just wanted to let you know that if you would like to engage with the heart of the methodology and try it out yourself, we now have a new website ready, which is the double institute dot org. You can find all the methodology there and the whole handbook and you can download it for free. So so feel free to choose which you go in there and try it out and distribute it to people, you know, because we would like this methodology to be used as many people as possible because it is really a effective and giving methodology.

Also, if you would like to know more and gain more knowledge, about half double, we actually have a new webinar coming up the 20th of January, same concept one hour. And in this session, we will be running very, very deeply into the research part of half double Kamilah Pilla doesn't have to dive into a lot of the data that we have gathered from the pilot project to answer the questions on. In what settings do we want to apply an agile project methodology and in what settings should we maybe just use the traditional approach?

And she actually has some pretty exciting results to share with you on that one. And then we have a co-host, Walton, join us from from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, who will actually give us some insight as to why the large, large scale projects often become unsuccessful.

And they actually have a whole list of obvious mistakes that we should try to avoid that that she would like to share with you. So it's a very interesting seminar in terms of its its deep dive, its research, but it's also very applicable in some of the projects that that that people like us are doing. Feel free to sign up for this. It is also free like this.

The last thing that I would like to say before we dive into the questions, you would like to try this in your own project, download the methodology, but also feel free to write us an email. Of course, use info info at Hateable Institute dot org. But you can also feel free to write me an email directly at Mehos Slash, implement the and then contact me on that.

So thank you, Peter, for joining us in this session. We will we will keep the session running for the last two questions. But I just want to say, while everyone is here that feel free to to acknowledge Peter for for this because he's doing it all for free just because he's he's passionate about sharing knowledge on this. Thank you very much, Peter. And and thumbs up to you on this. So that's really cool.

We will just we'll just do the last two questions.

And I'm going to say I'm going to ask you straight ahead, Peter, the first one here is and I'm sorry about the noise in the background, but I think the potential of removing the steering committee to remove complexity is very interesting.

And could you elaborate a little bit more on your thoughts on how you are going to implement this? And I'm just going to add it as an annotation while you try to.

Yeah, and I will start by telling you it's not going to be a big one percent success rate is not possible in our company.

We have ownership of a capital fund called equity. And in some cases, when we do big transformation projects, we need to have a single where equity is present. They cannot we cannot tell our owners to go into our project room and stand on the floor when we present the issues and take decisions and the internal products that we are running without intervening from the equity, it should be possible for us to have the sponsor on the floor at least every 14 days, plus the impact owner, plus the public leadership and the team.

So that means that we solve our problems instantly in that meeting. What we have seen also when I worked in Prince two is that the steering group in most cases was actually hostile against the photic. So we have changed that kind of way of thinking that they need to put a lot of questions on how you execute and so on. Now that going to the meeting and that they are helping to protect themselves. So we are stopping if they are getting hostile.

So if they're hostile, I'm actually intervening. I'm going into the steam group and tell them what the rules should be and in some cases are rearranging a real racing industry group.

And I have thought that in two or two times I stopped the project actually, because it was not the driving session. And I have also taken our CEO, CFO and put him into another position instead of executive and put the senior supplier as a as a sectarian because of the dynamics in that team. So I'm intervening if the student group is not doing what they should do. The basic point is if you kind of want the same group, please do it because the flow part will be hit by the same group alignment.

So to get a student group collected will take time in most companies. And you cannot have it. You cannot have. We tried we tried by having a cadence in the student group every month, for example. But that is not a good solution. Also, you need to have the decision making present in the project at any given time. So that is our next step, might have to tell you one day we will succeed on it because I will not allow student groups in most of our projects.

I love it and I really love it. One last question, Peter will be changed management as a complement to have double. Could that be away? But that might not be that relevant due to the nature of your project.

But what do you think the team's management is? That is not a mentality. Change management to be doing is a way of working and communicating the company. So how do we talk to each other and how to reduce pollution solution design? It can be a process in design. We need to do so. What we are doing is actually using enhanced framework to arrange workshops on how to solve problems across the company, especially when we are doing cross-border or we don't cross product or cross organization.

Then have the ability to be really good and people would really like to go back and talking about this afterwards also, and that is spreading in our organization, that is a good way of doing solution design instead of doing it by mail and PowerPoint and these kind of things you actually do. It is not it's maybe not good for the trees, but we do the paperwork in the staff and then we go into a digital design afterwards.

But we actually we actually reshape the way of working in our company so we don't take care of. The power and in the company and who is boss and who is not boss, we listen to the arguments and then we decide according to what is the right argument and the rationale that we need according to what we have to do to impact humans. And that's great to the best man win or best woman wins. And in most cases, the best woman wins.

We have seen a lot of it. And Michael has been part of this. Also, we have some protective service women also, and they have really grown in our company because they're now allowed to choose to say what they actually think instead of the perspired power.

Peter, thank you so much for elaborating on the questions and to all of you who participated in the session. Thank you so much for prioritizing this. And and have a good day out there. And and Merry Christmas to everyone. It's so close now. So take care, everyone. And Peter, thank you so much for joining in. See your CEO. Thank you to.