Become a Half Double Partner

Gain all the benefits and quality stamp of being Half Double partner

Being a Half Double Institute partner, you will be qualified to nominate practitioners to be Half Double certified. You will be endorsed by the Institute and i.e. gain access to suggest Half Double training materials.
Interested in becoming partner?
BECOME A HALF DOUBLE PARTNER, you will be qualified to nominate practitioners to be Half Double certified.

Half Double is for all

Half Double is an open source Project and Portfolio Methodology developed by the Danish Industry Foundation and Aarhus University together with Implement Consulting Group.

Half Double is free for all to use in projects and portfolios but If you want to be trainer, educator or consulting partner in the concept and be able to nominate for certification as Foundation, Practitioner or Master you will need to be registered partner with Half Double Institute. This way we strike the balance between being open for all to use and ensuring high quality standards of the certification program.

Looking for a Half Double Institute Partner to start or help you on your Half Double journey?

If you need consulting, training, or help to create more impact in you projects and even complete your projects faster and with greater success, the Half Double Partners are here to kick-start your Half Double journey.

You can read more about each of the Half Double Institute Partners in the boxes below and chose for yourself which partner you and your organisation would like to contact and collaborate with.

Current Half Double Institute Partners

Implement Consulting Group

Implement Consulting Group helps leading organisations succeed with their most critical change initiatives by unleashing human engagement to unlock business potential.

Read more about Implement.


Emagine Ekspertise helps you and your organisation with reaching your goal through consulting services and developing competences within project management. 

Read more about Emagine.

House of Agile

House of Agile educates and coaches individuals and organisations in the agile project management methods.

Find courses offered by House of Agile here.

Danish Technological Institute

Danish Technological Institute develops, applies and disseminates research and technology-based knowledge.

Read more about Danish Technological Institute.


Metier’s purpose is to enable sustainable social development through better projects, business improvement, and digital transformation. Through Metier Academy they educate individuals and organizations in project management, agile methods and leadership & communication.

Find courses offered by Metier here.


Mannaz offers courses and programmes for leaders, project managers, and specialists – in-person or virtually. All programmes are based on innovative and effective learning methods that prepare you to meet future challenges right after the training.

Findn courses offered by Mannaz here.

Why should I be partner?

The Half Double Institute offers two types of partnerships. Common for both types of partnership are six good reasons to become a partner of the Half Double Institute:

1. Be part of the Half Double business model for the benefit of your business 
2. Gain access to the community of +2500 passionate project people

3. Be able to nominate customers for Half Double certification
4. Be associated with a strong and proven concept

5. Become a capable and certified Half Double trainer
6. Partake in further development of the concept

You can read more about the benefits of being a Half Double Institute Partner and the difference between the two partnership types in the following sections.

Please contact the Half Double Institute if you want to know more about being either an ACO or ATO at

Partnership set-up with accredited training and consulting organizations

Partnership set-up
HALF DOUBLE community

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The Half Double Community

As a member, you will be the first to get invites for upcoming events and receive relevant articles and information about how to create value and impact in your organization. Today the Half Double community holds over 2000 passionate community members.

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