The Importance of Project Management Certifications

Find out the benefits of project management certifications and why they are desirable for both individual project managers and companies in today's market.
Project Management Certifications

Unlocking Success: The Benefits of Project Management Certifications

Project management is a cornerstone of today's professional landscape. For project managers, of course, but also for people with other specialisations, as projects are everywhere in today's business environment. Therefore, highlighting project management skills and project management certifications on your CV will strengthen your market value. 

Being a certified and experienced project manager not only highlights your ability to effectively apply your own expertise to achieve project goals, but also demonstrates your ability to organise and maximise team members' contributions. This cumulative effect is crucial as organisations increasingly prioritise people who are able to manage projects to successful outcomes.

Project management has traditionally been considered a skill acquired through hands-on experience, but with the advent of certification programmes, it has evolved into a formalised discipline. While experiential learning is still invaluable, a certification in project management can boost project performance to higher levels, provided you choose the certification that best suits your career path.

In this article, we dive into the myriad benefits that project management certifications provide and explain why they have become indispensable assets for both individual project managers and the organisations they serve in today's dynamic business landscape.

Why invest in a project management certification?

Investing in a project management certification is a strategic move with benefits for both individuals and organisations. Firstly, a certification provides training in project management methodologies, tools and best practices, equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills useful to navigate complex project landscapes with confidence and skill. Furthermore, certifications serve as tangible proof of your commitment to professional development and mastery of project management principles, strengthening your credibility and marketability in the competitive job market; more an more job ads include project management certifications as prerequisite or an advantage. 
For organisations, having certified project managers on board also means that projects are often more successful, team collaboration improves and ultimately, profitability increases. Essentially, the decision to pursue a project management certification is an investment in both personal and professional growth that offers a significant return on investment for both individuals and organisations.

How to become a certified project manager

Becoming a certified project manager is a journey that requires research, preparation and a clear roadmap. The first step is to figure out which project management certification fits your career goals and ambitions. If you're already working in project management, you probably have an idea of what frameworks might be useful for you and whether you prefer a traditional or agile approach, or perhaps a hybrid like Half Double Methodology.

You can explore different certification options such as PMP, PRINCE2, Six Sigma and Half Double and choose the one that best suits your needs and industry requirements. Once you've selected a certification, familiarise yourself with its eligibility criteria, exam format and study resources. We recommend enrolling in an accredited training programme to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. Set aside sufficient time for exam preparation, practicing test questions and reviewing key concepts.

We know from experience that it's a good idea to schedule the exam as soon as possible after the training; this is when you have everything you've learned fresh in your mind and are motivated to obtain your certification.

If you're reading this, you're most likely ready to embark on becoming a certified project manager and open up new opportunities for career advancement and professional growth.

If you decide to take a Half Double certification at an approved training organization, you can be sure that the training gives you the best foundation for the following exam. Training providers that can teach Half Double are accredited by APMG



Empowering you to create more impact in your projects Half Double Certification and training

Half Double training and certification focuses on simplicity. You’ll learn new tools and practices to bring back to your organisation enabling you to create more impact in less time in your projects.

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FAQs about project management training

In project management, certifications are assets that validate expertise and enhance career opportunities. But it can be difficult to get the necessary overview to get started. Which one should I choose? What does it require? What does it cost?  To shed some light on this topic, let's address some common questions often asked about project management certifications. 

Which certification should I take?

With a wealth of options, finding the most suitable certification can be a challenge. Consider factors such as your career goals, industry requirements, preferred methodologies (e.g. agile or traditional - or a combination) and your experience level to narrow down your choices.

What are the benefits of being a certified project manager? 

While we think you should first of all get a certification to become a better project or programme manager, project management certifications offer other benefits as well. These include increased market value in the job market, higher earning potential, improved skills and knowledge, and better job prospects. They also confirm your expertise and commitment to professional development, strengthening your credibility in the eyes of employers and peers.

What are the entry requirements for a project management certification?

Each project management certification has specific qualification requirements, which may include minimum work experience, educational background or training hours. That said, most frameworks will have an entry-level certification that you can enrol in even if you're at the beginning of your career as a project professional. 

How long does it take to get certified?

How long it takes to get certified varies depending on factors such as the certification you choose, the level you're aiming for, your previous experience and the availability of study resources.In any case, in our experience, the chances of getting your certification quickly are much higher if you enrol in a course and take the exam directly in conjunction with the training. The Half Double Foundation course including examination normally takes 3 days.

Will there be an exam?

Again, it depends on the course. Some courses have a final exam, others rely on attendance. Half Double requires you to pass an exam to ensure you fully understand the teachings. Once you pass the exam, you'll receive an official certification. Most project management certificates are also awarded in an online version, which can boost your Linkedin profile or personal website.

What does it cost to take a project management certification?

It really depends on the certification and the training organisation that you choose. Accredited courses may have a higher price point, but gives you certainty of the right quality to get the most of your course and be well prepared for the exam. Find information on the price of the courses at your relevant training provider

What does it cost to take a Half Double Certification?

3 days of training followed by a multiple choice exam that can secure you a Half Double Foundation certification can be acquired for around 1800 Euro at an accredited training organisation.

2 days of training followed by an oral exam to obtain a Half Double Practitioner Certification will cost you around 1900 Euro. To qualify for the examination, you need to submit a project paper based on an actual project you have been working on.

Should I take more than one certification?

Different organisational contexts require different project management frameworks, so you can't necessarily rely on the same project management standard throughout your career. Moreover, hybrid approaches, where different methods are combined to create the ideal framework for a given project and context, can further improve your project results. See how you can combine different project management frameworks with the Half Double methodology on this page.

half double governance of projects

How the Half Double Methodology can coexist and interact with other standards Half Double and other PM standards

The Half Double Methodology is a 'hybrid', meaning that it combines the elements from traditional project management practices and more agile methods. In that sense the Half Double Methodology complements and can coexist in combination with existing PM/Agile standards, models, methodologies and frameworks currently being used by many project-oriented organisations.

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Why should the company I work at invest in my project management certification?

Convincing your employer to invest in your project management certification can be a strategic move that benefits both you and the company. Here's how to make a compelling case:

Emphasise the benefits to the business

Emphasise how a certified project manager can contribute to your company's success. Certified individuals are more likely to lead successful projects and ensure they are completed on time and within budget. This means more successful projects overall, which aligns with company goals and objectives.

Emphasise the financial impact

Explain to your employer how the investment in your certification can lead to better earnings in the long run. Studies show that employing certified project managers leads to higher revenues and profits. By ensuring projects are executed efficiently, certified project managers contribute to the company's bottom line.

Emphasise the positive effects on the team spirit

Certified project managers are better equipped to build trust, respect and confidence among team members. This creates a collaborative environment where team members feel supported and motivated to perform at their best. Investing in a certified project manager not only improves project results, but also boosts team morale and overall job satisfaction.

Address Potential Concerns

Acknowledge any concerns your employer may have about the initial investment in your certification. Reassure them that the long-term benefits outweigh the upfront costs. Provide evidence from studies or examples of successful projects led by certified project managers to support your argument.

Offer a Plan for Implementation

Present a clear plan for how you will obtain your certification, including details on the certification program, study resources, and exam preparation timeline. Demonstrate your commitment to achieving certification and outline how it will directly benefit your current and future projects within the company.

By effectively communicating the benefits of investing in your project management certification, you can make a compelling case to your employer and secure their support for your professional development.

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Half Double Certification and training

Empowering you to create more impact in your projects

How does the Half Double Methodology work?

Focus on three core elements - Impact, Flow & Leadership


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