Video - Half Double - Pilot Project Results

A selection of Half Double Institute Videos covering a wide range of topics including the methodology, research, literature and case studies.
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THE HALF DOUBLE METHODOLOGY EXPLAINED, Leadership must embrace uncertainty and makes the project happen

Half Double is used to create impact in many organizations. To get insights in some of the cases that have been followed closely and documented to create learning and inspiration for the project management community.

Transcript -  Pilot Project Results

[00:00:00] Yes, half double actually works. We've had a research team to look into the projects that have been done so far and what they do is that they compare to similar projects in the same organization. And what they conclude is that 70 percent of the projects that we've done are an actual success. So we've actually succeeded with, you know, lifting the success rate from 30 percent to 70 percent by using the half double approach.