Video - Half Double Introduction

Hear more about the story behind Half Double methodology and why you could consider using it in your projects.
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Half Double workshop at GlobalConnect

Hear more about the story behind Half Double methodology and why you could consider using it in your projects.

Transcript - Half Double Introduction

Have trouble actually started because you wanted to address the low success rate of project?

For the last 15 years, the Standish Group has done a survey where they actually measured the success rate of projects and it is a staggering 30 percent. So only 30 percent of projects are a success. That's not good enough. We wanted to change that. So what we did was that we gathered 25, the best project leaders that we knew of at that point. We are three years back now. Right. And then we gathered three universities teach you the Danish Technical University, CBS and all university.

And together with them, we actually could create a mythology consisting of impactful leadership. Gain funding from the Danish Industry Foundation to do 17 pilot projects. So we took the methodology, we applied to those projects and we developed it as we move along. So the whole idea here is we need to make a collaborative call, creative methodology that will create success in your project.