Unlock Greater Project Impact Faster! Welcome to the Launch of Half Double in Norway
Are you ready to transform your approach to project management? We invite you to the launch of Half Double in Norway - a Danish-developed hybrid project management methodology with a proven track record of superior success.
Why Half Double? Research indicates that only 30% of all projects are deemed successful. This is not just a concern for the project management community but a clear signal that organizations are not realizing their full potential. Half Double was crafted as a response to this challenge—a project methodology designed to empower every project to deliver the desired impact. Research has shown that with Half Double success rate can be lifted to 74%. Double the impact, in half the time.
Developed in Denmark and tailored to the Scandinavian work culture, Half Double draws on real-life experiences from hundreds of project managers and is backed by robust research. In Denmark, numerous leading companies have already embraced Half Double, yielding exceptional results. The growing Half Double community boasts over 1300 certified project managers including many keen ambassadors.
Why Now? With an increasingly complex market and urgent agendas like the green transition and digitalization demanding swift action, an agile project management approach is almost a necessity for success. Half Double, as a pragmatic and hybrid methodology, is ideal for such environments, empowering organizations to achieve impact faster.
Your Invitation:
Ready to transform your project management? Join us at our in-person event, hosted by the Half Double Institute and co-hosted by House of Agile, Metier, Holte Consulting, and Implement Consulting Group Norway.
Seize this opportunity to enhance your project management strategy and create more impact.
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Breakfast and meeting old and new portfolio and project professionals
Welcome and WHY
Effective use of our collective expertise and financial resources are key to succeed with green transformation and smart use of technology by Stein Lier-Hansen, Bellona and former CEO of The Federation of Norwegian Industries
The need for change
How hybrid project management improves the competitiveness of Danish industry by Thomas Hofman-Bang, CEO, The Danish Industry Foundation.
The Half Double methodology
A new and radical project management methodology that can double the impact in half the time by Christina Sejr Pedersen, Director of Half Double Institute, Copenhagen Denmark
Coffee break and mingling
Research Evidence - Does Half Double work?
Discover the Impact - Validated Research Findings on the Half Double Method by Per Svejvig, Associate Professor University of Aarhus
Learn from Half Double in real life
Half Double for OBOS: Why and how it works by Vibeke Huynh, department manager OBOS Eiendomsforvaltning and Ingebjørg Holm Vogt, Senior Project Manager, House of Agile AS
What now – how to join the journey
A brief conversation between Metier, Holte, House of Agile and Implement Consulting Group Norway facilitated by Christina Sejr Pedersen.