half double global connect webinar

Course in Norwegian

Half Double Foundation certification

The course provides you with knowledge about the Half Double method and how you can use it to create early impact in your projects. You will learn how to use the method's core elements of impact, flow and leadership, and with a new mindset and new tools, you will be ready to make a difference in your project work.

Half Double is a project methodology that emphasises value creation. The name is based on doubling the benefits of a project by starting to deliver benefits halfway through the project. In this way, it can help to increase a project's likelihood of success and at the same time match today's need for rapid development of new products and services. At the same time, the aim is for Half Double to help reduce risk and increase the manageability of projects.

The methodology has been created through the collaboration of sucessfull project managers and is used in many industries, organisations and project types. The methodology is developed through continuous research and collection of best-practice approaches. It is based on actual human behaviour, unpredictability and complexity, rather than assumptions.

Half Double is agile and can easily be combined with other project management methods and frameworks. It's suitable for all types of projects, not just IT and development. The method can be adapted to all industries and organisations, and can be incorporated into the company's project management office (PMO).

The course is practically orientated and you can apply what you learn immediately.

Email: post@holteacademy.no
Phone: +47 459 50 300 

Event information


26 - 28 March, 2025


09:00 - 16:00


Holte Academy
Drammensveien 145 B, Skøyen
0277 Oslo

Link to Google maps

Email: post@holteacademy.no
Phone: +47 459 50 300