Half Double

Course in Danish

Half Double Foundation certification

Half Double's hybrid approach to project management combines agile tools with the classic project management approach, increasing the success rate of your projects from day one. This Foundation course will teach you the methodology and how to reach higher impact at a faster pace in your projects.

This course equips you to manage your organisation's projects across agile and traditional project approaches. By combining the two methods, you bring together the best of both worlds and ensure that your organisation realises the full potential of your projects. 

The course does this by providing you with:
- Insight into the Half Double methodology that ensures a structured approach to project execution
- The tools to complete projects in half the time while increasing impact
- Concrete skills in the use of Half Double's three core elements: Impact, Flow and Leadership

Upon passing the exam, you will receive a Half Double Foundation certification.

Event information


13 - 15 October, 2024


09:00 - 16:30


Sydhavnsgade 16
2450 Copenhagen SV

Link to Google maps